calHow to search keywords in Google scholar for your Research — Pubrica
4 min readAug 5, 2021


The guide is proposed to assist you in doing data analysis that is not exclusive to conventional legal materials. Periodicals (magazines, journals, etc.) are a diverse source of scholarly and non-scholarly articles on a wide range of topics and particular subject areas and disciplines. This guide aims to help researchers find periodical materials online from the hundreds of e-resources available in all Library system.

Search tips for Google scholar:

· You can use much of the same search tools in Google Scholar as you can in Google.

· Google Scholar inserts AND between terms automatically:nurse retention of stress

· Use quotation marks on sentences or names, such as “social learning philosophy” and “On the Origin of Species.”

· Use the OR operator to find different terms, enclosing the terms in parentheses:(either “first” or “second” grade)(theory OR model)

· To build your search string, you can also use the advanced Google Scholar search. It can be not easy to build a complex Google Scholar search.

Learn more about Google Scholars advanced Search

· To find research articles and books that quote a particular post, click the Cited by source.

· The cited function is a perfect way to search more recent posts and follow a concept from its initiation to the present day.

  • All / Exact Phrase / At Least One / Without Allows you to choose the search terms to use.
  • All of the words entered into the first search bar must appear in your result. It is how a Google Scholar search works in general.
  • As you enter words into the second search bar, they will be searched as an exact expression. Not only must all of those words appear in each result, but they must appear in the similar order in which you wrote them.

· You can also do this by inserting the words in quotes in the standard search bar. “Myocardial infarction,” for example.

If you type words into the third search bar, Google Scholar can return any results that contain at least one of them. It is a useful way to use synonyms or similar concepts in the Search (4).

· You can also do this by adding “OR” between the search terms in the standard search bar. For instance, consider Missouri politics or government.

If you type words into the fourth search bar, Google Scholar will show you links that don’t have certain words. If your results are cluttered with items that aren’t important to your Search, this may be helpful.

· You can also do this by entering a minus sign (-) before a word in the standard search bar. Shakespeare’s disasters, for one.

Controls that Google Scholar can scan for the search terms and Where My Words Occur.

· Choosing “anywhere in the post” would certainly yield more options so that the search engine will check for the keywords in more locations. It is Google Scholar’s default setting.

· Choosing “in the title of the article” can increase the validity of the findings because if your keyword appears in the title, it is more likely to be relevant to the article’s content.

Authored by/Published in/ Dated Between

The first search bar allows you to look at results written by a certain author.

Ø You can also do this by typing “author:” before the author’s name in the standard search bar. Author: Crenshaw, for example, is an expert on intersectionality.

The second search bar allows you to look at articles in a certain academic article. Google Scholar recognizes many different ways of abbreviating journal titles.

You will use the last search method to look at results from several research publishing dates.

Ø You should change this on the results tab as well (5).


Google Scholar is a little-known good source. It’s an extremely valuable tool for university research programmers. However, its utility extends beyond that. It’s an excellent resource for researching a wide range of subjects. Best of all, you will use the method to simplify many areas of research writing and analysis greatly.

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