Structure for writing an effective clinical review article
2 min readDec 9, 2019



Structure for writing an effective clinical review article:

Clinicians need clinical review articles that have a well-organized structure for easy reading and understanding which will help them to apply it practically on patients and for further research. An excellent structured clinical research article will resolve the controversy generated by studies that contradict one another.

At exactly that point it will assist them with applying it for all intents and purposes on patients and for further research. Customary clinical survey articles, otherwise called updates, examine a theme extensively and specifically audit the therapeutic writing. An incredible organized clinical research article will settle contention created by thinks about that negate each other

Before realizing how to structure a clinical audit article, you need to know some foundation certainties on why great structure is vital for it.

For clinicians to update their insight, they depend just on peer-investigated restorative diaries. Be that as it may, most investigations, best case scenario just give starter proof due to

1. Limited scope

2. Poor design

3. Inefficient execution

4. Inadequate sample size to have significant clinical benefits or detection of adverse effects

5. Play of chances

Clinicians perusing these examinations, need to coordinate and contrast it with existing proof with finish up, regardless of whether the clinical strategy must be changed on the gathered proof. Indeed, even on account of unique examinations, just a part of the clinical issue is tended to. Consequently, most clinicians take an easy route to peruse the clinical audits done by others. These centre survey articles remember proof from accessible investigations for the particular clinical issue.

Yet, the clinical audit if not organized appropriately, won’t do equity to the first proof. Also, the clinician will wind up with bogus ends which will at long last be borne by the patients. I inquire about by Mulrow directed on 50 distributed surveys, just one clung to the particular techniques for recognizing, choosing, and approving included data.

Notes: — The word count in the Article structure excludes the Abstract, References, Acknowledgement and figure captions. The word count should be indicated at the foot of the title page. — Keywords (3–6) should be provided at the foot of the abstract.

Now let us see how a clinical research article can be structured:

PRISMA or Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis has issued a statement listing 27 item checklists to make the writing of clinic review feasible

Though IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions) structure is the basis of many reviews, there could be variations in guidelines as per the nature of research. But the general structure for most of the clinic review structure is as follows

Elements of a review article:

  1. Title page
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Materials and methods
  5. The main body part of the review article
  6. Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. References

Learn More: writing a clinical review article

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